Tecpro systems

Fly Ash Handling Systems

Fly Ash System - Hydro sluicing equipment is used for slurry disposal of smaller units of ash. This is done through a pneumatic conveying system using either negative pressure (vacuum) or positive pressure.Coarse Ash System - Coarse ash is collected in different coarse ash hoppers of boilers namely, economizer, airheater, duct and bed ash. This can be removed by any of the system adopted either for bottom ash or fly ash systems depending upon the quantity, quality and nature of the ash.

Complete sluicing system for slurry disposal of smaller units using hydro sluicing equipment. 
Pneumatic conveying system using negative pressure (Vacuum). 
Pneumatic conveying system using positive pressure (Dense & Lean phase) & Double Tube Socket Pressure Conveying System 
Total dry collection and transportation system including silo equipment. 
Total wet slurry handling system with optimized use of water through Feeder Ejector. 

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